Over the next few months, we're going to focus on our Safety E-Book, our first topic is: The Accident Triangle.

For the next few weeks we're going to deep dive into our Chemical E-Book, our first topic is: Ovens & Dryers.

A basic principle of safety can be illustrated by the accident triangle. This principle states that for each accidental death that occurs, there are X instances of human injury, Y instances of property damage, and Z instances of near misses (hazardous situation exists but accident doesn’t occur). The best way to avoid death, injury and property loss is to stay out of the near miss zone.

Staying out of the near miss zone requires analyzing hazards, creating guidelines for safe operation and then educating people about the areas; placing warnings and indicators whenever possible. Unless we follow safety guidelines to prevent & avoid accidents, a great deal more money and time is spent correcting them after they’ve occurred.

When combined with proper operator training, hazardous gas detection is a cost effective way to manage risk and help ensure industrial safety.


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