Problems in Pulp & Paper Mills
Last week we talked about the pulp & paper mill process. In the past, continuous sampling and gas monitoring was a problem for this applicaion for three key reasons:
Last week we talked about the pulp & paper mill process. In the past, continuous sampling and gas monitoring was a problem for this applicaion for three key reasons:
Flammable non-condensible gases (NCG’s), usually referred to as Total Reduced Sulfur compounds (TRS) or Dilute Vent Gases, are byproducts of the wood pulping process. These gases, mostly sulfurous, are extremely malodorous and flammable.
Health and pollution regulations prohibit the release of these gases into the atmosphere. They are usually eliminated by passing them through an incinerator or by using them as fuel in the burner of a boiler or kiln.
We've been talking about the 3 Key Challenges of Monitoring in Wastewater Treatment. Last week we addressed the first one, this week let's focus on the second:
Happy MFG DAY 2017!!
Manufacturing Day is an annual celebration of modern manufacturing during which manufacturers invite their communities — including students, educators, businesspeople, media, and politicians — to their facilities in a collective effort to educate visitors about manufacturing career opportunities and improve public perceptions of manufacturing. Started in 2012, MFG DAY has seen participation grow dramatically over the years.
Last week we talked about the 3 Key Challenges of Monitoring in Wastewater Treatment. Let's address the first one:
How can the right monitoring system combat these issues? Heat & a simple flow system.
Publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) collect wastewater from municipal, commercial and industrial facilities, transport it through a series of contributor pipes, known as a collection system, and deliver it to the treatment plant.
Regulations prohibit these facilities from discharging flammable or explosive wastes from their processes into the liquid collection system. In addition to fire and explosion hazards, these wastes can affect the efficient and effective operation of the treatment facility.
In the industrial environment proper flare stack design is essential to handle multiple waste streams for maximum destruction performance with minimum emissions. Since destruction efficiency and emissions are important criteria to consider when designing a flare, when the design is done correctly, dramatic operating savings will also be realized.
Food-borne illnesses are most common in summer, when high temperatures speed bacteria growth and outdoor cooking (without refrigeration or indoor plumbing) reigns supreme. So for our summer safely series this week let's discuss the recipe for staying healthy and safe during warmer months.
When bringing food to a picnic or cookout:
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has declared July UV Safety Month. The goal is to spread the word about how important it is to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s UV rays. So for this week's summer safely series, let's talk about how to stay safe in the sun.