We are here to help you keep your equipment in good working order and stay safe. It may make sense to have routine maintenance performed on your analyzer to ensure they are fully functional and meet the existing challenges of your ongoing process conditions. Call our service department at 973-575-9114 or fill out a service request.

On-Site Field Service

We readily provide factory service engineers to travel to your site to diagnose, adjust, calibrate, and repair your system as well as educate your employees. Have your equipment inspected, cleaned , and calibrated by our factory service engineers. We will assist you in the proper equipment startup and training of personnel at your site. Prior to our visit we can advise you on the proper installation and review preparations to help ensure a smooth and successful startup. We will also assess your equipment to make sure it meets the latest specifications and conforms to current safety regulations. For preventative maintenance, routine service, or startup assistance please try and schedule the visit three weeks in advance.


Our factory service engineers are available to provide on-site training in theory, system operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting, and safety education to your customer maintenance personnel. Attendees will receive an in-depth manual along with a hands-on review of the equipment.

Spare Parts

Get the spare parts appropriate for your system. They're always new and readily available.

Factory Repairs

Repairs can be made on-site or in our factory.


We can incorporate the latest hardware and software improvements to enhance the performance of your existing equipment.

Start-Up Program

Ensure the proper functionality of equipment & train all plant personnel on the proper maintenance of the system with our Service Start-Up Program. Our field service engineers will travel to your site for initial system checkout, startup & training (equipment must be installed, tubed, and wired prior to their arrival). This option must be included and prepaid with new system orders, for the warranty extension and fixed rates to be applied.