Let's continue our discussion on Energy Savings. This time the focus is ovens and furnaces:
In multi-zone oven applications where solvents and solvent levels change depending upon the product produced, LFL/LEL Analyzers are necessary for monitoring in order to stay safe. These analyzers need to be consistent and reliable amongst this constantly changing atmosphere.
So ... is there a way to save money and reduce energy without compromising this safety?
One option is damper control. If LFL/LEL systems are already in place for safety, the NFPA 86 Standard for Ovens and Furnaces allows for additional solvent vapor analyzers to be installed onto a process to specifically control damper positions.
By adjusting fan speeds for independent control of ventilation in each oven zone, you can better utilize the solvent levels in your process to reduce operating costs. As the solvent vapor concentrations vary from one production run to another the ventilation rate is controlled accordingly. The implementation of a fully automated system can give you an additional fuel savings by fine-tuning controls in real-time mode and increasing the average solvent load, hence reducing the amount of heated ventilation air used.
Read our energy savings case history to find out how one of our customers implemented this method and improved their energy efficiency by 22%.
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