For the past couple weeks we shined the spotlight on the Flexible Packaging application; WHAT exactly is the application and WHERE do the hazards lie. This week let's discuss WHY you would need monitoring, by looking at real life applications:
FTA vs IR in Solvent Based Printing Case History - A leading manufacturer of flexible and rigid packaging was having many issues with their IR detector: response times of 20 seconds, condensation issues because of high dew point vapors, constant low flow alarms stopping their process and calibration issues because of different solvents and solvent mixtures. All these problems forced them to look for a different technology that would offer them accurate and reliable performance avoiding unnecessary downtime.
After a thorough investigation and education of the monitoring technologies available, they chose PrevEx Flammability Analyzers. Theses analyzers offered a number of advantages & addressed the key issues they had been experiencing with the IR.
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Package Printing Case History - A worldwide manufacturer of flexible and rigid packaging was going through an expansion and wanted to achieve maximum efficiency of their printing operation as well as maintain safety. With their wide variation of solvent loads they realized that by automating damper control they could reduce their product cost and be as competitive as possible in the demanding marketplace.
- Since the company already had PrevEx LFL analyzers in place for safety, the NFPA-86 Standard for Ovens and Furnaces allowed for additional solvent vapor analyzers to be installed onto the process to specifically control damper positions. By adding the additional analyzers to safely automate the dampers, they were able to minimize the amount of ventilation air needed to maintain a safe LEL level in the ovens thus saving money on heated air costs. As the solvent vapor concentrations varied from one production run to another, they were able to control the ventilation rate accordingly. After this successful installation, the Company has been adding redundant analyzers in their plants worldwide.
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PrevEx Vs IR in Flexible Packaging Printing Case History - A manufacturer of an extensive product line of flexible packaging materials was expanding their site. New lines equipped with new presses and laminators were being added. The Corporate directive was to consider using IR Technology rather than Flame Temperature for the solvent vapor monitoring system. This facility however, which was purchased from a competitor, had PrevEx Flammability analyzers installed on the lines to monitor the %LFL & plant management was very satisfied with the analyzer’s performance.
- After a thorough investigation and education of the technologies and with the support of the existing plant team members, they chose to equip the lines with PrevEx Flammability Analyzers for their nmerous advantagous features over the IR.
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Flexible Packaging Case History - A leader in the development of high performance, low cost, flexible packaging was installing two new flexographic presses. They typically operate below 25%, but wanted to purchase LFL equipment for both safety and ventilation control in order to save energy; rather than using fixed ventilation air, which is costly. They were interested in using infrared technology for its LFL monitoring.
- They chose the AcuPro Infrared Process Analyzer over a competitor’s IR sensor because of its unique multiple-wavelength design. This design reduces the variation in reading different solvent types. The process is clean, low temperature and operates at or below 25% LFL, hence meeting all the requirements for AcuPro selection. The press catwalk did not offer easy access to the analyzers if they were directly mounted on the individual exhaust ducts. The customer mounted them near the catwalk and sample probes were directed to the exhaust ducts.
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