The capacity of an oxidizer is limited. A plant expansion or growth in production can increase VOC use, exceeding the capacity of the existing oxidizer. However, if a flammability analyzer is used to decrease air volumes from existing processes, making more efficient use of the existing oxidizer, it would be equivalent to expanding its capacity. This can drastically reduce operating costs in both power and fuel consumption.
Solvent based processes like printing, coating & laminating, use large volumes of heated air to dilute solvent vapors to safe levels. Recirculating a portion of the hot exhaust stream in each dryer zone reduces the airflow through the oxidizer and lowers the air heating cost considerably. Such a solution is possible when the dryers are equipped with flammability analyzers.
Instead of heating up excess ventilation air in the oxidizer to its process temperatures, a Flammability Analyzer can be added to help put more solvent into the oxidizer. This will reduce the amount of fresh air needed to be heated, which will provide a substantial cost savings.
These example show that when using oxidizers, whether they be Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers (RTO’s), Catalytic or Recuperative oxidizers, there’s an opportunity to save on costs.
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