For the past several weeks we've been discussing how to select a continous solvent vapor analyzer to meet NFPA 86 requirements, specifically focusing on the 6 essentials necessary to do so:

  1. Sample delivery system.
  2. Speed of Response.
  3. Accurate calibration and response
  4. Avoidance of condensation.
  5. Failsafe malfunction logic. 
  6. Maintenance.

After careful review of these reqirements, we can surmize the following (concerning the possible sensor choices):

  • Catalytic sensors are not recommended for continuous solvent vapor monitoring.
  • Infrared sensors are not recommended except in applications where a single solvent is being used.
  • Flame ionization (FID) sensors are not recommended for LFL monitoring. They are more appropriate for measuring lower ppm concentrations in the exhaust of VOC reduction systems.
  • To date, the only FM approved sample- delivery and solvent vapor monitoring systems meeting all NFPA 86 requirements are Flame Temperature Analyzers.

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