Controlling flammable vapors and installing solvent vapor monitors on your process oven and dryers allows the implementation of several money-saving steps:
- A reduction of ventilation air without affecting existing production rates or violating NFPA safety directives
- An increase in production speed without increasing existing air or fuel costs
- Compound savings by reusing, rather than expelling, some of a hot exhaust stream back into an oven zone
- Reduction of oven exhaust rates to lower the demand on VOC destruction oxidizers
- Benefits can range from a simple reduction of heated ventilation air to a combination of both reduced heating and increased production. This can result in dramatic fuel savings.
Other advantages to adding analyzers are often overlooked, because they do not seem to be associated with the problem in another part of the plant. This would be the case when a thermal oxidizer has reached its maximum rated airflow capacity, preventing the addition of new process lines without a sizeable investment.
Instead of adding another oxidizer for the new equipment, an option would be to reduce the outflow from existing process lines, by recirculating a portion of their exhaust air. The cost of the solvent vapor analyzers would be quickly recouped.
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