
The CalorVal BTU Analyzer can be used in a number of different applications: 

  • HEATING VALUE: Continuous monitoring of a chemical waste stream is necessary to identify the minimum heating value and ensure proper combustion efficiency of a flare stack. Our CalorVal BTU analyzers have the ability to accurately and continuously measure the direct BTU content of a varying waste gas stream. It is a real time measurement and will quickly respond to the alarm set point and adjust the natural gas concentration as needed. This can optimize fuel savings while meeting EPA guidelines for maximum 98% destruction efficiency of a flare stack.Read More
  • FLARE STACKS: The CalorVal can be used to minimize the quantity of assist gas required for a flare stack by measuring the lower heating value of the waste gas mixtures to determine the minimum quantity of assist-gas required. Its unique design permits accurate measurement and control of multiple gas mixtures under dynamic conditions, enabling the use of adaptive assist to be applied to the flares. By knowing the LHV the flare is now able to operate economically and flexibly regardless of what chemical is burning. Read More
  • SYNTHETIC FIBERS: The CalorVal BTU Analyzer can read high concentration levels in the % UFL range, where there is little or no oxygen present. This makes it ideal for a wide variety of filtration applications, such as engine filtration, high efficiency air and liquid filtration, battery separators, gasket materials, and specialty and industrial nonwovens. Its fast response time allows for real-time information to be processed for proper control of a process. It is fully heated to 120°C to keep the entire sample in vapor form, which minimizes downtime. Read More

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