According to NFPA-86, additional Solvent Vapor Analyzers can be installed onto a process to specifically control damper positions. By adding additional LFL Analyzers to safely automate the dampers, the amount of ventilation air needed to maintain a safe LFL level in an oven would be minimized...and what does this mean? You can save money. In fact often times, by automating damper controls on ovens, as much as a 50% reduction in fuel costs can be realized. So the cost of adding solvent vapor analyzers would be quickly recouped.

Find out the details on how one of cutomers did just that.

While saving money is always great it is most important to be SAFE. As the cost of fuel increases, so do the concerns about energy optimization and safety. Most dryers are used for more than one solvent. Accuracy depends completely on how the sensor responds to each solvent. This means that precise measurement of solvent vapor concentrations should be made with the highest level of accuracy to optimize the control of damper position and achieve maximum energy savings.

Find out more about how to safely use flammability monitoring to effectively automate damper controls.



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