White Paper: How to Control Dampers for Energy Savings

New Literature Announcement

By automating damper controls on ovens, as much as a 50% reduction in fuel costs can be realized. As the cost of fuel increases, so do the concerns about energy optimization and safety.

Most dryers are used for more than one solvent. Accuracy depends completely on how the sensor responds to each solvent. This means that precise measurement of solvent vapor concentrations should be made with the highest level of accuracy to optimize the control of damper position and achieve maximum energy savings.

White Paper: Safety Ventilation to Reduce Costs

New Literature Announcement

Energy is a significant cost of production. As energy costs rise and fall, the increases are difficult to pass on to customers in the price of products and services. But regardless of current energy costs and current trends, a more energy-efficient process is more competitive.

Safe drying of solvents requires excess ventilation air. Extra air keeps the vaporized solvents well below the concentration where they might burn or explode. A lot of energy goes towards heating ventilation air to the drying temperature.

US Department of Energy Recognizes Use of LFL Monitoring Equipment

In their Energy Tip Sheet #11 the US Department of Energy recognizes that LFL monitoring equipment, like the PrevEx Flammability Analyzer, can improve the efficiency of the solvent removal process and significantly lower process energy requirements.

These Tip Sheets are a part of the DOE’s “BestPractices” program and can be downloaded from their website at: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/industry/bestpractices/pdfs/use_lfl_monitor….

Control Instruments Introduces the CalorVal BTU Analyzer

Control Instruments Corporation has named their Model 690 BTU Analyzer, the CalorVal BTU Analyzer. The change, complete with a new look & logo, is part of the company’s overall strategy to create brand awareness, while continuing to offer the customer a complete line of gas detection equipment & technologies appropriate for many different applications.

Control Instruments Introduces the AcuPro Infrared Process Analyzer

Control Instruments Corporation is pleased to introduce the AcuPro Infrared Process Analyzer. This addition is part of the company’s overall strategy to serve the customer with a complete line of gas detection equipment and provide a variety of technologies appropriate for many different applications. Its name, AcuPro, exemplifies the analyzers ability to perform accurately in process environments, specifically, relatively clean, low temperature, low concentration applications.

Control Instruments Partners with njfriends.org to Support the Troops

Control Instruments Corporation warehoused, shipped and distributed pallets of products donated to NJFriends.org, Inc in support of the NJ National Guard soldiers and their families. NJFriends.org, Inc is a non-profit organization committed to supporting programs to improve the lives of NJ National Guard soldiers and their families during time of deployment.

Control Instruments Introduces the PrevEx Flammability Analyzer

Control Instruments Corporation has changed the name and look of its flame temperature analyzer, for lower flammable limit monitoring, from the 670 Series of Analyzers to the PrevEx® Flammability Analyzer. The change is part of the company’s overall strategy to create brand awareness, emphasizing the importance of preventative safety.